How US Sex Ed Became Hurtful
The Contentious History of Comprehensive Sexuality/Life Education
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Service Description
In this seminar, Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers chronicles the history of how sex education began in the United States, the socio-political and public health factors that created it, and what ultimately shut it down in the early 1980's. You will learn about the political factors that continue to play a role in how sexual health/relationship information is shared and not shared in the U.S. and the incredible damage this is doing to our children, families, and ultimately our communities. Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers is a nationally known speaker, author and researcher on religious sexual shame. She is professor emerita of sexuality, and marriage & family therapy and served on the board of The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. As a preeminent voice on purity culture and Hebrew Mystic Sexuality, Dr. Sellers is frequently featured on podcasts, TV, documentaries, articles and radio, including Spirituality & Health magazine, and NPR’s All Things Considered. In her acclaimed 2017 book, Sex, God and the Conservative Church – Erasing Shame from Sexual Intimacy, Dr. Sellers reveals how the western conservative church in collusion with consumer driven culture and politics, has infiltrated our core ability to attach to our partners, and instruct our children to attach to theirs. Her latest book, Shameless Parenting – Everything You Need to Raise Shame-free, Confident, Kids and Heal Your Shame Too! was a New Release Bestseller in eight categories. She speaks throughout the world on how to heal, and how to raise shame-free relationally confident children. She can be followed on Instagram @DrTinaShameless @InstituteOnIntimacy or Twitter @TinaSSellers
Contact Details
Seattle, Washington, USA